Amara Biweekly Report | The global airdrop event kicks off, and Mara-Link starts to develop(6.1–6.15 June)

Amara Finance
3 min readJun 17, 2021


Hello, everyone !
Welcome to Amara Biweekly Report, which is regularly updated. Here we publish the latest developments of Amara’s projects. If you have any comments and suggestions, you are welcome to contact us via official channels.

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Technology Development

After intense development, the first phase of the Amara loan sector was done and officially entered the internal testing phase.

In addition, the technical team conducted a thorough investigation on Mara-Link, and fully verified the feasibility of the previous plan. The R&D work of Mara-Link will be launched in late June.

▍ Loan section

AmaraLend is deployed on the Acala TC6 testnet version.

Currently, AmaraLend’s Market section has launched USDT, ACA, BTC, DOT deposits and loans, and initiated deposit and loan mining tests, through deposits and loans, you can receive MARA rewards.

The deposit and borrowing interest rate model is being tested and optimized. Currently, ChainLink has been connected to realize the price feed function, and the clearing robot function has also been developed. Deposits and loans of multiple assets will be launched in the future.


Mara-Link’s preliminary technical research has been completed, and the development has officially started. It is estimated it will take 1–2 months before the initial development is completed. At that time, Amara will shift from Polkadot ecological loans to multi-chain loans, introduce high-quality assets into Polkadot ecology, and expand the space of DeFi.

Beta test event

The test registration page is done

Ecological Operation

At this stage, Amara’s global airdrop event is going to be launched. Amara will launch an AMA in the world’s well-known crypto communities and release the event link. The stage lasts about 3 weeks. When the airdrop event is done, we will carry out a beta test registration event based on the actual situation. At this stage, users who hold ‘Acala old Friends NFT’ will receive double rewards. Please stay tuned.

Amara global airdrop event

On June 10, the North American Amara team launched a global airdrop event, the event lasted for 3 weeks. Follow Amara twitter to receive the latest news. The event is a great success for the Amara community.

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At 14:00 on June 14th,UTC, Neal, the head of Amara’s North American BD, was invited to conduct an AMA in the CRYPTO LEGACY telegram community. Neal shared Amara’s recent development plans and actively interacted with community members.

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Amara Wiki is online

Amara launched the Wiki section to meet the needs of our community, and relevant information is more abundant and comprehensive. At present, the content of Wiki is not very complete. Amara will update regularly, and continue to add content to meet community needs.

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Amara Discord operation

Recently, we launched Discord to enrich the social media channels of the project. Users can join Discord for more in-depth communication.

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About Amara:

Amara is a multi-chain assets lending protocol within the Polkadot ecosystem, focusing on open, privacy preserved, multi-chain lending markets. Amara seamlessly connects mainstream digital assets and top rated long tail assets that improve overall liquidity and expand the DeFi horizon. To achieve these goals, one of the top priorities would be building the bridge based on TEE trusted computing. Eventually, we want to become the hub of lending and exchange in the crypto world.

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Amara Finance

Focus on efficient circulation and none-gap value transfer among Polkadot ecological assets.